Editing Styles: Choosing the Right Photographer

I think one of the biggest factors in choosing a photographer is finding your desired editing style. While there are so many to choose from and so many small differences, the key differences are always the same. Knowing your desired style can help you narrow down the right fit for you. So, let’s begin to break it down.

Warm vs. Cool

The well known temperature difference. This one seems easy enough but can often be forgotten when searching for the right fit. Do you like your images to have bold hints of orange, red and yellow? Or stark whites, blues, and purples? While each image produces it’s own color undertones, you should decide which temperature you’re drawn to before choosing someone to edit your photos.

Light and Airy vs. Dark and Moody

The big question here is whether you prefer low contrast and higher exposure or deeper shadows and darker blacks. Again, each photo and lighting scenario can dictate how your gallery looks upon delivery but knowing that your photographer will be more prone to transform it in the way you prefer, makes a difference.

Clear and Defined vs. Blurry and Grainy

We love a photog who plays around with their creativity and CREATES. With that being said, everyone prefers their gallery to look a certain way when it hits their inbox. Deciding whether or not you like your photos crisp and clear with allll the details preserved or blurry with grain and lots of movement included can make that gallery delivery everything you dreamed of.

Personally, I like to edit in more warm, moody, and grainy vibe. I think it’s important to choose a photographer that fits your preferences and then trust them to do the rest, to get creative and make your gallery one of a kind.


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